RS "Rittel Services ..... keeping machines running longer!"

Specialized mechanical engineering

Set standards in specialized mechanical engineering


A special machine is unique and tailor-made, but at the same time able to be used in a variety of ways. With the development of new designs, you as the designer set standards for whole industrial sectors. Just as customized and versatile as a special machine is also the stress and wear on components and materials.


The functionality and reliability of machinery and plants must be optimum in all areas, for example in the case of the use of sealing solutions. A further example is filling elements where clocking and speed play an important part. In this case, wear phenomena often appear after a short time. The consequence is loss of function.

Here we will support you with exactly the right RS coating solution.


RS coatings to combat wear


RS Rittel supports you with selected materials and RS coating systems with the optimum selection of parallel partners – whether in filling, metering or feeding technology.


So that the components developed by you meet all the requirements not only design-wise, but also as regards wear and corrosion, we already support you in the design process with our know-how.


We would be pleased to develop a coating solution best adapted to your special application. Please contact us!

Do you need further information?
+49 2043 97 34 0

Products for specialized mechanical engineering

Drawing parts


Technical ceramics


Technical hard coal


Valve components





Shaft sleeves


Dosing element


Filling elements


Supply elements

Do you need further information?
+49 2043 97 34 0

Do you need further information?
+49 2043 97 34 0